The Pioneer manufacturer of electric cables and Conductors in Nigeria
LEARN MORE ABOUT NIGERCHINThe Pioneer manufacturer of electric cables and Conductors in Nigeria

Welcome to Nigerchin
NIGERCHIN was incorporated in 1970 as the pioneer manufacturer of electric cables and conductors in Nigeria.
A partnership with Canada Wire and Cable International (CWI), then, a Canadian company with over 75 years experience in cable designed, engineering and manufacture, gave Nigerchin relevant technology, experience and facilities for product and manpower development.

Products Standard
The products are essentially electric cable and conductors of aluminium and copper made specifically to British Standard (BS) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and Nigeria Industrial Standard (NIS).

Quality Policy
We are committed to the design, manufacture and supply of quality cable and conductor products that meet National and International Standards, and Customers’ Specification consistent with NIS ISO 9001:2015 standard, our interested parties requirements including statutory and regulatory requirements.

Nigerchin products which are manufactured and tested to British Standards (BS) and IEC specification have on a regular basis won the Nigeria Industrial Standard (NIS) on quality, in the Silver, Gold, and Diamond Categories
Our Products
Over time, Nigerchin has built on this foundation, competency for upgrading, producing and certifying quality products that meet international requirements in the electrical power industry and installations.

Some of Our Esteemed Customers
Presenting a glimpse of the valued individuals and organizations we’re privileged to serve. Their trust in us drives our commitment to excellence even further.

And Gallery